A second date - is the game worth the candle? How to ask for it, and when is the best time to arrange it?


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Table of contents:

  1. Was the first acquaintance pleasant?
  2. What is the best way to set it up
  3. Be straightforward but not brazen
  4. Don't play games
  5. The main thing is to communicate
  6. Use the information received before
  7. Don't be lazy to plan
  8. Where to go?

An acquaintance took place, and both of you were satisfied? So now it's time to think about the second meeting. People usually want to make a great impression on each other the first time they go out together. Only on the following date, it becomes clear whether they are comfortable with each other and how much they have in common.

how to ask for a second date

Getting a first date is always tricky, but many guys need help to propose a follow-up. We'll show you how to do it most effectively.

Was the first acquaintance pleasant?

Remember in detail how your first meeting went. If it were pleasant for your beloved, a woman would certainly agree to the second one. But if the date is successful, she will likely want to meet again, no matter how skillfully you ask.

The major blunders of guys on a first date look like this:

  • talk too much about themselves or vice versa... speak only about the girl;
  • not to listen to what the woman says and not conclude it;
  • not to develop a relationship with her;
  • focus only on sex;
  • not to create an image in a woman's mind of any future with you;
  • communicating with her on logical topics instead of stirring up emotions.

If the first meeting went smoothly, and you had a great time, you don't have to wonder if the second one will occur. It's obvious. Even before you say goodbyes after the first date, each of you already has a thousand ideas for the next meeting. In this situation, no matter who calls first, either of you can propose the next date at any time. So you should put it off for up to two days.

If, on the other hand, you were tense during the first meeting, the environment was not conducive to casual conversation, or something happened that knocked you out of the dating mood, the situation may be a little more complicated. Then, it is more difficult to understand how much of the meeting was spoiled by external factors and how much you do not match each other and do not have common topics of conversation. A second date has a significant meaning. During it, you will correct a wrong first impression or see if you are a good match. It was customary that it was up to the man to propose the meeting. But you should have reason to believe that the woman is interested in you. You can find this out during the session; read the tips below.

If, after the first date, you decide to continue dating, it's time for a second date. The second meeting is an opportunity to get to know each other better and decide whether to continue dating. Please don't wait too long to ask her out.

What is the best way to set it up

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It's easier than many think because we like to make things complicated. Dating will be much easier if you don't. How to be more direct, read on.

Be straightforward but not brazen

Do not be afraid to show that you like a woman; there is a good chance that she will not hide that she likes you. Do not leave the question of a second date open. You can ask at the end of the first meeting:

  • I appreciate you, and I'd like to meet you next Saturday. Would you like to come?
  • An invisible connection has been established between us. We could meet again next week.

You don't have to be afraid of getting rejected, but even if it happens, there will be some certainty. Unfortunately, young guys are more afraid of getting embarrassed than getting what they need. So they prefer to send mysterious text messages, from which the opposite sex can conclude that it is a rejection and a second date will not occur.

Don't play games

If, during the first meeting, you realize that the girl suits you and there are feelings between you, do not play games; better say it right away and offer a date and set a date. If you decide to do it after the date, take your time with this. It's better to call than text. Already on the timbre of a girl's voice, you can tell a lot and feel her mood. She will appreciate your directness. 

Ask about the possibility of a second meeting on the first date if you feel unanimity, and find out that you have common hobbies. Then, it will be easy to offer. For example, you discovered that a girl likes to ride a bike, like you. Great, invite her to the following weekend ride or go on a bike trip. If she wants you, she will agree.

The main thing is to communicate

We have become too dependent on social media, so it seems convenient to just text. However, we can only feel emotions through the voice. For example, you can call to say hello and then ask them out on a date. Psychologically, you make emotional contact with the person you're talking to when you hear their voice.

The desire to go on a second date can cause the same excitement that you felt before the first meeting. Communicate, call, and find out about a lady's plans. 

After all, there is only one way to find out if she wants to meet with you again if you hear the answer from her. But, unfortunately, she is unlikely to tell you, so you have to ask her. Read on for the best way to do this.

Use the information received before

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So, you got to know each other at the first meeting, talked about yourselves, and found something in common. If so, use this information for the idea of a new meeting. For example, if you like hiking, propose going on an overnight trip to the country next weekend. If you want music of the same genre, find out where music bands will perform soon. There are probably familiar favorites that you like. You might put it this way, "I recently found out that our favorite musical group is coming, and I couldn't help but think of you. I got tickets for Sunday. Will you keep me company?"

The girl will surely appreciate you because you offer her to do what she likes and listen carefully during the conversation.

If you do not find common hobbies, but like the girl, you can ask her out another way. For example, she likes ice cream. You can covertly invite her to a meeting: "They opened a new ice cream shop near my house. Do you want to taste it with me? Let's go there on Saturday." You don't focus on the fact that you want to see her because you are shifting her mind to some action. 

Don't be lazy to plan

You had a perfect first date, were having fun, joking around, and at the end of the meeting, you said something like, "We had a great time. We should get together again." If they say yes to you, you should offer something right away and set up a second date. Find out right away when you are both free. Otherwise, if you let the situation go by itself, just by saying "cool," things can change after a while. 

Be bold and plan; you should have several options in reserve. But, of course, you don't have to offer planning to your girlfriend, or she'll think – how can you cope with life's problems in your marriage if you can't even provide entertainment at a meeting?

Be sure to schedule the meeting somewhere else. If your first meeting was romantic, with candles and wine, spend the next one, for example, in nature, walking and talking. A change of scenery can result in an exciting conversation or... show that you don't get along.

Where to go?

As for the place for a first date, no one has any doubts. It should be a comfortable place so you can talk quietly and learn as much as possible about the other person. However, the problem appears when we decide to have another meeting. So it's worth getting to know as much as possible from the first meeting. By mentioning interests in the conversation, it is ideal to use this when choosing a place for your next date.

Are you both crazy about picnics? Why not organize one for two? Are you afraid that it's too early for them? Then choose something that fits your interests. Understand that a second date can show that you care about the other person and determine whether she will meet you next time. So try to be creative because no one likes a boring guy.

Do you need more topics to discuss on the first date? If you were, you wouldn't be planning another meeting. Has anyone ever said that you can't go back on topics you've already raised? In this case, it's the kind of behavior that can be the key to success. Why? By referring to what the girl has said to you recently, you will prove that you are a good listener, but above all, you care about her.

A second date is an excellent time to find details about her personal life, her previous relationships, and her views on intimate matters. An approach such questions with caution, or straightforwardness may play against you. Not everyone is ready for such confessions, even if they are already dating a partner regularly.

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