Polish Dating Site - Date Women From Poland on GoDateFast


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Before you search for Polish women dating foreigners, learning as much as possible about them would be rational. This article is a partial data source, but you'll learn the basics. Ensure you’re looking for a natural Polish beauty, not a stereotypical imaginary female friend.

A brief description of women from Poland

Polish women are usually blessed with good looks, and they know it. They're proud to highlight the most beautiful parts of their bodies and, sometimes, their souls. Hence, pinch her occasionally, and you’ll wake up a gorgeous yet human creature.

Singles from Poland are often highly educated and well-traveled. Such ladies struggle to find an adequate spouse as men worry about their lower status. We’ve asked a few gents in long-term relationships to make a list of their women's behavioral patterns.

Look what we have (pretty chaotic):

  • Polish women value education and intelligence.
  • Polish women may be warm and cold simultaneously.
  • Polish women love to have a million-dollar look and put enough effort into achieving it.
  • Polish women expect a man to be a man.
  • Polish women expect you to treat them like a woman.
  • Polish women prefer traditional role models (mostly).
  • Polish women might not accept you the way you are.
  • Polish women don’t trust other women.
  • Polish women are always possessive.
  • Polish women are obsessed with their homes.
  • Polish ladies prefer dividing chores.
  • God knows why Polish women look better in pictures than in real life.

To sum up, ladies from Poland possess looks, intelligence, devotion, and all those things women of other nations… also have. 

How is dating Polish women different from dating other European ladies?

There is nothing extraordinary to expect unless you yourself are a flamboyant type. Their love and loyalty could hardly be confused with a patronizing tap on the shoulder from a German or Swedish gal. As for the other, more ambiguous traits, her family will give you the answers. 

To fall in love with a Polish woman, you must be aware of her power over you. Her caring disposition is a self-denial and sacrifice of a strong character. But don't assume she wants to subdue and dominate your being - she did that with others, not you. 

Traditionally, Polish dating culture stipulates religious norms for Polish girls in regions with a more substantial influence. Although it isn't relevant for young ladies nowadays, be sure they come from very religious families. It's scarcely possible that your girlfriend would change her third Gospel for Tora. 

As a downside of acclaimed female independence (even religiously restricted), Polish ladies can be too complacent sometimes. Simply put, she expects you to see her as your top priority. Your irresponsibility and indifference will 100% drive your girlfriend mad.

Nevertheless, the majority conceal very romantic natures, anticipating corresponding actions from you. If you aren’t very sensitive, just inform your woman before she cries you a river.

Why are Polish singles looking for love abroad?

Polish girls who choose to date and marry foreign guys are mostly big-city dwellers. They’re well-educated young individuals looking for their peers or older gents in the rest of Europe or overseas. Ladies strive for new connections, breathing new life into routine.

Cultural differences, including language gaps, are never an issue if there’s love and respect. And if the relationship isn’t strong enough, it won’t be long-lasting. But be sure your Polish spouse won’t miss home much since Poland is a nationwide cosmopolitan country.

Polish dating rules presume single male Poles to be courteous, polite, and generous. And the majority is, but for many single ladies, the grass looks greener on the other side of the pond. Canadians and US citizens have better chances to break this jackpot.

What kind of men do Polish ladies look for? 

The list mentioned below doesn’t segregate casual dating from serious relationships: 

  • Polish women love good humor and will praise any of your endeavors to light up their days.
  • Polish women will first search and find your personality, never superficial things like perpetually degrading looks.
  • Polish women hope to find love in a kind and caring man.
  • Polish women love intelligent and mature gents.
  • Some nutty ladies love to be around a little crazy guy. 
  • Polish women love luxury stuff on anniversaries or other significant dates.
  • They love everything to be clear with your status from the beginning.
  • Polish woman will like the real you if you do, too.
  • Catholic culture never accepts hatred or grudges, so you better follow the commandments.
  • Polish women will respect your individuality, but only if you have any.
  • Female Poles will appreciate your genuine moves to spend more time with them to learn more about one another.
  • Some Polish women are very reserved, so they’ll love your openness, discoverability, and curiosity.

Some hints about Polish women’s dating nuances


  • Never articulate stupid but true facts about Poland.
  • Your lady won’t be happy hearing her motherland is a developing former Soviet republic.
  • Ask questions when in doubt, but don't make jokes that could be questioned.


  • Send or give flowers with clear intentions for a date, as an example.
  • Avoid choosing yellow, frequently associated with arrogance and envy.
  • Roses work just fine unless yellow or black.

Restaurant or bar

  • Synchronize your hedonism with your date — order as much food or alcohol as your party does. Otherwise, it’s considered rude in Poland. On the other hand, Poles can drink more than most other people, so if you don't feel like having that eighth vodka shot, throw in the towel. 
  • Handle the payment with tact. Religious traditions and customs in Poland predetermine traditional gender roles and may vary greatly. Some Polish women demand that men pay, while others do not. Offering once and a second time if you insist on paying would be polite.

Date ending

  • If horseless, escorting your lady to a bus stop is a suitable way to end a romantic evening.
  • If you drive a car, give your date a ride and drop her off anywhere she wants.
  • Polish dates typically end with a cheek kiss unless your date was a complete disaster. But avoid kissing your lady twice or three times like her grandma usually does.

How could GoDateFast help you meet Polish singles looking for love? 

GoDateFast's dating service could help you find love or meet people in Poland for a chat. Video chatting could be a way to go if you’re a newcomer and unintentionally trust no one. Always expecting the worst from online dating, I’ve become pickier when choosing a dating platform. I was surprised to have great communication with a Polish lady on this site. We actually met and continued the conversation offline. This site seems trustworthy to me.

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